Check out our interview where we hate on the word “cyber”.
Interview about “cyber”

+1-877-MAVEN-HQ (+1-877-628-3647)
P.O. Box 199, Saint Georges, Delaware 19701 - USA
Web pentesting and training services. Your trusted security advisor.
Specializing in information and IT security assessments and training:
Ethical hacking, penetration testing, and cybersecurity validation.
Check out our interview where we hate on the word “cyber”.
Maven Security hosted mini-CTF centered on web application targets. See #past_event for details. Thanks to Radware for donating a $50 Amazon card to the winner.
Maven Security was interviewed by InformationWeek in late September 2014.
Maven Security help build the targets for the CTF at BSides Las Vegas, and provided remote support. See and ProVJoes for details.
Maven Security was named “20 Most Promising Enterprise Consulting Companies” by CIO Review in April 2014. See here for details.