Web Security Dojo 3.1 is now available!!
Since 3.0, the Dojo has been based on Xubuntu 16.04, bringing new functionality like drag to tile windows as well as a huge amount of behinds the scene updates.
OWASP Juice Shop was added in this release, and many targets and tools were upgraded to latest versions.
We think all the polish added to this release makes the Dojo much easier to get started with than ever before, and we hope many more people are able to use it to get hands on experiencer with web application security!
High level changelog:
- Juice Shop
- Check4change Firefox extension
- Burp extensions and Burp python extension support
Notable improvements:
- Each tool now on it’s own hostname for compatibility and ease of use
- DVWA XSS and SQLi labs improved
- Home page with target list now appears on every new empty Firefox tab
- Documentation listed next to targets in target list when available
Notable Updates:
- arachni
- BeEF
- Burp Free
- metasploit
- Mutillidae
- sqlmap
- w3af
- ZAP plugin updates
- Depreciated tools removed to maintain quality
- Some unmaintained targets removed
- Firebug removed in favor of Firefox dev tools